.......A..... is more delicious than .....B.....
...A........ อร่อยกว่า ....B.....
....A....... aroi gwaa ....B......
...C..... is bigger than ...D....
...C..... ใหญ่กว่า ....D.....
...C......yai gwaa...D.......
just put "gwaa" กว่า follow the adj to change
dee --good, dee gwaa --- better (than)
suay -- beautiful suay gwaa - more beautiful (than)
A is the most delicious.
A อร่อย ที่สุด
A aroi thiisut.
B is the biggest.
B yai thiisut.
just put "thiisut" ที่สุด follow adj.. changing
suay - beautiful..
suay thiisut - the most beautiful.